Phalcon PHP Is Another Big Framework On the Block That We Want You to Know
So what’s so special about this particular framework and why is our Development Team all over it? First of all, it’s a full stacker and being just about two years old, Phalcon already got a huge community and serious-minded documentation. Yes, it promotes MVC architecture and got all the classic features like Template Engine, Request Object Library, Caching, etc. But it is so fast, and when we mean fast, we mean insanely fast in performance. Phalcon is a C-extension to PHP, and its source is written in C – that explains it. Phalcon shows the highest performance benchmark among others, with the lowest memory usage – according to System Architect (Performance benchmark of popular PHP frameworks).
That’s Just It, Comfortable to Use Framework That Stands for Its Speed
Of course, each application tasks and requirements are different than another, here we want to say that we see lots of different ideas where Phalcon implementation would be a way to go. Fast performance really matters, so Phalcon is always discussed as a framework to work with in terms of our Development Team, so, we hope, everywhere robust and easy development process is appreciated. There is no revolution needed, just a proper tools and environment.
Of course, there are always pros and cons, and we would like to underline the issue with not being able to directly access the source code. Well, that’s the problem you may see, when your framework based on C. Joking apart, though Phalcon’s source is actually well maintained and intuitive. The other thing is that there are not too many projects being done on this framework – just because the framework is so young, but even now you may see a pretty big list of the projects on GitHub.
How to Go Ahead and Try It? Easy: with Letzgro
You may submit your PHP code to us for its possible inclusion into Phalcon (with NDA on it). We promise you the immediate vision on how your process of development will get much more efficient. And if everything is in place – there is also a possibility of our mutual cooperation. From the other side – we also gotta say, that Phalcon is really worth learning. Besides, you will be amazed how fast you’ll pick it up. It’s simplicity empowered us to develop using Phalcon, so now we want to share this experience with you. Working in a stable state and having that fast development and further performance of the applications – no regrets will be intended.
The current version of Phalcon Framework is 1.2.4, and the version 2.0 branch is in development now and is planned for release in the second part of 2014. You may install it, set it up with any directory structure you like, start using the syntax and Phalcon will take care of the rest.