Whom to choose as a WordPress plugin developers for hire, a freelancer (or freelancers) or a web development studio? This question is asked by many people who have never worked with programmers. The customer often makes an error at the stage of selection of the developer. The consequences are very unpleasant sometimes.
So, you have decided to hire a WordPress plugin developer. Where to start?
Tip 1: Check out some quite successful sites that you like. You should identify your personal priorities in design and functionality. The first thing which any studio or freelancer will ask you is “What do you want?”
Pay attention to the site navigation. It should be clear. The website must pass a simple test. How quickly someone finds out on the website what he is looking for? Sites are often overloaded with information and make confused even the experts. This entails a loss of conversion. Do you want to lose conversion?
So you’ve browsed many sites and have identified priorities in design and functionality. Time to search for the professional to work on it.
Tip 2: Developers often leave their contacts in the footer of the website. Examine the lower part of the site which you chose. So, it`s easy to identify the developer. Go to the developer website and contact him. Specify how much cost he wants for the same website, but with your requirements. Get a benchmark on price. The price range can go up to 10 or more times. But your task at this stage is information gathering.
Of course, if you have friends who have previously ordered the website, you can check with them how much their website costs. It will also give you the knowledge about the value of the site.
Tip 3: So, you already know the cost of a website in a good studio. But is it possible to order the same site, but cheaper? It is clear that only a good specialist and professional should work on the developing of the site. And where can you find someone who works without a studio? Freelancing.
If you require a one-time specialist you should visit the sites for freelancers. There are so-called freelance marketplaces where you can put your order and get a lot of suggestions from the performers. There are also small web development studios looking for clients.
So, you have posted an order and you have received proposals from different freelancers. Their prices are pleasantly surprising. You can reduce the price even up to 400-700 abstract money for the website when the web development studio offered you 1000 or 5000 abstract conventional units for the same website. But it is early to rejoice. A beginner WordPress plugin developer freelance webmaster is often hidden behind the low price.
This does not mean that on freelance sites only novices work. But all the beginners start with freelancing and low prices.
Tip 4: How to evaluate the experience of the freelancer? You need to understand possible problems when you work with freelancers.
The first one. The developer and his experience. A lot of developers at the beginning of their activity spread the works of other developers on their portfolio page. They have nothing yet to show. But it is necessary to show something, otherwise, no one will make an order.
You should pay attention to the feedback about the freelancer, the date of the account creation, and the gratitude.
The second problem is the payment. Freelance marketplaces have their own services of payment through the exchange. The exchange charges its percentage from transactions. Many people want to save this percent and negotiate with the freelancer for payment by cash, electronic money or a card. As a rule, the freelancer is in another city and rarely he is your neighbor. Our advice is that you should pay via the stock exchange.
If you agreed to pay using the stock exchange it does not guarantee that you will get the site on time and of a good quality. A freelancer is a free man. He may take an order and go on vacation. You can protect yourself by signing a formal agreement with a freelancer. There should be an indication of technical requirements, the timing and the cost of works, as well as penalties. At least you will be able to defend your rights in court in the case of a negative option.
So, you’ve selected three potential contractors. How to pick the best one for your project?
First. Besides the price and experience, we recommend you to pay attention to the presence of such services as technical support. You will have to pay each time if the developer doesn’t want to spend time on your request to change something. The total overpayment may nullify the economic benefits of the development.
Secondly, the development of the site, as a rule, does not include the cost of preparing and filling the website with the content. Make sure that a web development studio or a freelancer offers this service. The content is the basis of website promotion. You must remember the cost of the content when ordering a website.
Third: Check with the contractor what he will offer you as a content management system (CMS) for your website. The process of choosing CMS is a separate topic for an independent article. This topic is very extensive. In our article, we tried to give you the basics of working with programmers.
Read this and don’t make mistakes.
But if you want a good and reliable developer, then contact us. We will make a website for you which will satisfy all of your requirements. Our team of experienced developers is able to do everything. And we do our job quickly and efficiently.
You will like it.