Reasonable Prices for Exceptional Use
Around six years ago the App Store approved the application with the name ‘I Am Rich’ that cost $1000. It did absolutely nothing except showing a picture of a red gem. Later the app was pulled out. Since that time, mobile apps stores have more appropriate pricing set according to the actual app use. We want to review the most interesting ones and investigate what makes them so exclusive.
ASiQ’s SafeCell, $12,500 (and, optionally, an additional $10,000 for a dedicated SafeCell SC-AP server system)
Named the most expensive one, Australia’s ASiQ Limited offered their new mobile app for private aircraft owners. The app allows users to use the Bluetooth connection on any computers connected to the aircraft’s satellite link and running the SafeCell server software. So, it basically allows making calls as if they were receiving traditional telco coverage with no roaming charges. It was only made for BlackBerry and Symbian as Apple’s Bluetooth stack is too restrictive.
That’s the perfect example of the case where you set such a high price tag. Your product offers very exclusive permissions for certain clients that will pay no matter how many numbers go after the dollar sign.
BarMax CA, $999
One thousand dollars – this is as pricey as an application may get on the App Store today. Still, California law students will find BarMax particularly appealing because it is a comprehensive review of the California Bar Exam that you can take with you wherever you go. According to the website, students who use BarMax have a pass rate 20 percentage points higher than those studying without. Obviously, this kind of exceptional usability of the app promises a steady level of purchases in the app store.
VIP Black, $999
Another Millionaire’s application called VIP Black underlines exclusive lifestyle. It offers special treatment or partnership in different venues like Gordon Ramsay Restaurants, Virgin Limited Edition, and Firmdale Hotels etc. Purchasing the application from the store is not that easy. There is an invitation-only system that allows users to download it after showing the proof that their account exceeds $1 million.
VIP Black didn’t get any major changes with the new updates and has the feel of the old-style iOS applications. Though the price still remains the same, as well as the loud description of the world’s first premium lifestyle mobile application.
KGulf, $499
This one is an educational app. What it does is that it simulates tidal and water-level inside Arabian Gulf and Kuwait waters. It generates as hourly output results so it shows a quite wide grid from 1975 to 2035 years. These water level variations are needed by certain professionals in the field. The KGulf application shows reports in 2D and is capable of predicting water level on a very short notice. This is the app, that has a very tight number of audience members but has no analogs in the field – so is highly needed and being purchased on a regular basis.
Mobile Cam Viewer Enterprise, $349
This other one is here is less expensive. But hey, it still costs a lot compared to the other apps. The Mobile Cam Viewer Enterprise allows the bearer to track what is going on in certain location via surveillance cameras, DVR, video servers, and webcams. Is it your house, office, or any other important location you want to keep an eye on. The developers took care of your privacy, so the information is encrypted, so no one’s gonna track these streams except you. That’s what sets the price tag of $349 – making your users sure that besides the exclusive features they get absolute security. And people will pay for these guarantees a high price.