Eager to know what skills are required for a web developer? Are there any qualifications for web developers? Let’s start with finding out what a web developer is. To put it simply, a web developer specializes in developing web applications. This job may include different roles: front-end, back-end, full-stack, UI development, etc. All these roles require different skills and knowledge in certain areas. However, there are some skills every web developer should possess. Especially, a professional one. Let’s have a look at them.
Everything starts with hypertext markup language. Some people wonder why HTML is on the list of skills required for web developers. The answer is simple. This is the basis that allows web developers move on to other languages and understand how the Web works. Starting with such fundamentals as HTML, a person obtains the knowledge needed for understanding how websites are built, creating them, and editing. This is the step on the way to becoming a successful developer.
2. CSS
CSS is about the visual appearance of the site. It’s really important for front-end developers, as it allows them to see how an app will interact with the design. Back-end developers should also have the basic knowledge of CSS. Nevertheless, designers and front-end devs are the ones who should be able to code in CSS easily. Thus, this language takes the second place on our list of top web programmer skills.
3. JavaScript
Have you heard about three layers of web development? If not, here they are – structure or content layer, style or presentation layer, and behavior. You need good HTML knowledge for the first layer. You should know how to use CSS for the second layer. JavaScript is the language you need to know for a better user experience. It defines the way a web page or app will behave. Besides, knowing JavaScript allows you to learn such JS frameworks as Ajax or JQuery. It will help make your work more pleasant and effective.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the basis for everyone who want to gain website developer skills. Nevertheless, if you want to be a successful professional developer, there are some other things you should think about. Check out this short skill set for web developers.
4. Choose a programming language
As HTML is a markup language, you should learn another one which serves as a pure programming language. PHP, ASP, C++, Perl, Java: these are the most popular languages. PHP is considered to be a leader. So just google about top programming languages, choose your favorite one, and enjoy learning.
5. Improve your mobile support and SEO knowledge
Being able to build responsive websites that will function properly on different devices is one of the most useful skills for web developers. It will guarantee that your site will be displayed on screens of different sizes. You should also know the basics of SEO. When almost every client tries to use SEO for increasing the success of their product or services, you should make everything possible to ensure the proper site ranking, inbound links, download speed, etc.
6. Learn how to administer a server
Knowing the basics about server administration will at least help you communicate with server admins. Moreover, understanding how a server responds to different things allows you to build a site that works more effectively. You’ll troubleshoot all the scripts easier. Thus, it’s obvious why server administration is one of the skills needed for web developers.
7. Work on your design sense
When you’re responsible for the whole site development, you need to know some design principles. The knowledge of layout principles, typography, and image usage is not obligatory. However, it will turn you into a more successful and valuable web developer.
8. Develop your project management skills
To tell the truth, every person will find this skill to be valuable. Whether you will work with a big team or be a freelance web developer, time and project management skills will always help you get all tasks done quicker and more successfully. Being able to plan the time and keep the project on track, you save your time and get better results.
Web development is an interesting work that brings a lot of pleasure and profit. However, this is also the work that requires many skills and a lot of experience. If you decide to become a web developer, start with basics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. And don’t forget about developing some other skills, like time management, design sense, perseverance in programming, etc. Besides, if you’re searching for professional web developers who possess all the previously-mentioned skills or you just have some more questions, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to provide you with all the needed information.
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