Phalcon PHP Framework Remains Solid Choice Among Technology Stack We Work With!
We established a partnership with the Phalcon Team – people who stand behind the fastest and robust PHP Framework that offers high performance and lower resource consumption. We provide advising to everyone who is interested and are glad to keep a strong relationship with the company. Phalcon is always discussed as a framework to work with in terms of our Development Team as we always see lots of different ideas where its implementation would be a way to go.
Phalcon is a web framework implemented as a C extension. It is a full-stack framework for PHP 5 with the functionality exposed as PHP classes. It offers the classic features of a modern PHP MVC-framework so it is comfortable to use. You will be amazed how fast your project will develop and progress. It’s simplicity empowered us to develop using Phalcon, so now we want to share this experience with you. Working in a stable state and having that fast development so and further performance of the applications – no regrets.
You may submit your PHP code to us for its possible inclusion into Phalcon (with NDA on it). Letzgro Development Team promises you the immediate vision on how your process of development will get much more efficient. And if everything is in place, there is a possibility of our mutual cooperation.