Ruslan Tabachuk, Letzgro’s senior developer has participated in IT Weekend S.M.I.L.E., a conference that took place in Lviv on 31st of May and was dedicated to developing professional skills, exchanging experience and socializing with like-minded people from IT community.
The event has covered two main topics that linked up with outsourcing and .NET Mobile development. During the conference common obstacles that companies faces while working on projects were highlighted. Pain points in most cases are the same: a wrong estimate of a project and project’s evaluation problems.
One of the most innovative issues that were showed up during the presentations was refusing from the agile in the projects. As it appears, now companies prefer to form small teams with one person taking care of the agile and paperwork; and one senior developer; it allows developers to stay focused on the projects without interrupting working process, what leads to the growth of quality in developed products. Also, special attention was paid to case studying to introduce to participants new trends of evaluation and estimation that are used in big projects.
We are happy to admit that our developers are constantly working on increasing their professional level, as it helps us to become better from day to day.
About IT Weekend: it is a mingling event for everyone who has linked up their life with software development projects. It creates conditions for efficient exchange of experience among people who work in software development, spreading new trends, discussing patterns, refining new solutions and creative ideas in development, testing and IT project management.