Letzgro turns direct helping girls broaden their horizons in tech industry
RailsGirls is a prominent new workshop for women around the globe. This month, it is coming to Lviv, giving a serious jolt of motivation to become a specialist in Ruby on Rails (open-source web framework) for those who wants to glean new knowledge. Being a non-profit organization from Finland, it brought a new way to deliver basic programming, prototyping and sketching to thousands of people across the world. Once you made your mind connect your career path with the tech world, you can ask the thrilling question: What’s next? Here is the sense of where you need to turn your attention. Rails Girls has an answer: map it out and make it happen. Positioning yourself as a leader is the first step to victory.
The winning point will be launched by Rails Girls in Ukraine this spring and Letzgro is proud to be a sponsor to a resourceful workshop. Get ready to ascend new heights as you’ll be clear and focused on your new technology learning mission. With the help of professional coaches, you’ll earn bonus points like designing and coding. Take a soft approach here and frame it as a win-win for all because we are setting the stage for a great idea to be sustainable!