Our developers practice Continuous Integration (CI) of the code into a shared repository allowing teams to have a control of the working process and detect issues and errors in early stages. This practice allows us to spend more time on actual features building and put time spend debugging and searching for mistakes to a minimum. It surely doesn’t get rid of the bugs, it just makes it much easier and clearer to detect them. So our Development Team uses CI workflow on a daily basis.
Continuous Integration ensures that the product is always in a releasable state or in the state of the proper work. When a failure happens, it notifies you or the person whose code change caused this failure. Each integration is verified by an automated build, and every member of our team checks-in frequently, so nobody drops the code until the system builds. This and many other rules let us move rapidly to the proper working solutions. Besides simple scheduling, monitoring and reporting functionality, we benefit from CI methods by getting constant feedbacks on the status of the project. Simply superb solution in order to have a working product and clear correct workflow in agile development.
Workflow and Statistics:
Results in JIRA: