According to recent studies, the market for mobile augmented reality by 2018 will increase from the current 60 to 200 million users. While providing the print an interactive dimension, can augmented (also known as supplemented) reality technology to bring something new in the printing industry?
Despite the current predictions of demise, print is “brought back to life” by using of augmented reality print technology, which combines it with the digital universe. While we like the consumption of content via Internet, the preference is still given to paper, not pixels.
Augmented reality helps paper media to get back to life
However the print and digital worlds should not be separated — both can effectively work together – this shows the augmented reality print examples. It’s not a competition between paper and a number — each channel has its own influence on the consumer`s behavior. For example, the augmented reality print ad can stimulate customers ‘ desire to know more about the product that leads them to search in the Internet and social media for information.
For today’s “super-consumer” data interaction with various platforms and gadgets has become normal — we can watch TV with a tablet nearby and a smartphone in hand. But how will traditional offline media be transferred into this digital maelstrom? One of the approaches is the introduction of interactivity through cross-media advertising and marketing.
Cross-media approach integrates communication through multiple channels, in contrast to the old approach, in which each channel was used in isolation. The frequency value obtained from cross-media campaigns is often superior to the results obtained when using a separate printed or digital channels.
The print can be enriched by interactivity by including calls to action in printed material, for example, coping mechanisms such as personal URLs, QR codes on the cards or NFC technology.
How does AR work with printed brand information?
AR uses the camera in portable gadget to combine physical reality with virtual layers and a more dynamic interactive user experience. For example, augmented reality can allow the reader to hold a smartphone over augmented reality images to print to print to see additional content on the phone. This can be a version in motion of the static image image from the page, a link to purchase the game, a video or other product. AR app (like blippAR, Aurasma, or Layar) searches for images and samples on the server, the application compares them with the received ones and sends back the corresponding content.
Some news and magazine publishers are already experimenting with augmented reality print out, readdressing the readers to online videos, Internet shopping, or other content.
Also, there are already products which allow to print AR:
- Aurasma (HP Autonomy product)
- Clickable Paper
Clickable Paper solution allows users to receive content from the internet by pointing the smartphone with specal add at any printed media. This means that augmented reality 3d printing has huge future, and the technology is developing right in front of our eyes. No doubt that very soon the augmented reality pictures to print will be no surprise, and the books about Harry Potter with their moving photos in the newspapers won’t be a fairytale any more.