While mobile games are rapidly replacing the analogue hardcover, AR book app allows to stop this process and to make bigger the interest of the current generation in reading. Augmented reality has allowed developers to combine an ordinary literature with the latest mobile technologies. Augmented reality allows users to look at the reading process in a completely new way. Adults and children can not just read the story but also visualize it by means of augmented reality books for iPad or any other gadget.
AR for children literature
Attracting a child to reading is not easy because many games and applications more attractive for children exist nowadays. But AR marker for books will solve this problem. These augmented reality applications are designed to use AR module to recognize on the pages the colorful pictures and reflect them on top of a 2- or 3-dimensional image. Also, the AR module determines the click on a marker and notifies about the event.
There are two versions of this augmented reality scanner app:
- for iOS,
- AR book finder app for A
To get pleasure from AR reading the story fully, you need to take an ordinary hardcover and download the corresponding augmented reality app to your gadget. In the process of reading, you need to hold your device above the images on the pages, scan them through the app, and then the tale will magically come to life by getting a new digital dimension.
The five books with augmented reality
Many widely known giant IT companies like Amazon are involved into the development of augmented reality. This sphere is being developed in several directions, and therefore, the development of AR testing books is also gaining momentum. The latest applications for the visualization of stories and fairy tales contribute to the revival of reading among the population of the planet, starting from the smallest.
Especially for children the Incredebooks company has produced a number of augmented reality books “Funny tale”. Now there are four tale books that allow you to visualize the story and apply onto the pictures two-dimensional and three-dimensional images and one coloring book.
Parents may buy such tale books in the Incredebooks shop:
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Goldilocks and the three Bears
- The Three Little Pigs
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Moshi Monsters
Thanks to the augmented reality technology children are able to explore the magic world of their favorite tales or even to change the classic story. With the special app, kids can turn the book into the colorful and interactive playground, meet new heroes, guide them through the plot, change the colors of the scenery by just touching it with a single finger. Plus, in the app kids may find mini-games designed specially for the appropriate book and hidden surprises. This kind of entertainment just can`t be missed by a child!
The Incredebooks coloring book Moshi Monsters has 48 pages of the favorite children`s characters, Young painters can design the outlook of the characters, then scan the pages and bring their paintings to life with the help of 3D technology. Also, kids can see the characters singing and dancing with musical accompaniment ad look at their creations from all the angles, by rotating and zooming the pictures.
At the same time with pictures found in literature, you can do different manipulations, for example, zoom or rotate. This will help readers to examine individual episodes of the stories better. In a series of fiction, musical accompaniment for the text with the magic sound effects is provided. All the stories are interesting in themselves, but if to apply an augmented reality app to them, the reader will be able to feel each story in full.If the development of the technology will go on as it does, soon kids will be able to admire interactive colorful 3D and 2D images from the fiction and learn by AR textbooks, and the adults will read fiction literature with built-in illustrations right above the pages and will have a great experience with such a way of spending time.